The SHG Project

Urjafarms used to make its branded jute bags from Self Help Group of women. Urjafarms thought, ‘What if same SHGs are provided with technical training, agricultural land, seeds, bio-fertilizers, bio-pesticides and equipment then the Mission of Urjafarms can be achieved in lesser time. Also, this would help SHGs acquire new skillset and create an additional income source for themselves.
The SHG Project

Mission of Urjafarms is to

  • prevent Cancer and other hazards caused by the produce of chemical farming by supplying produce which is not just ‘poison-less’ but also nutritious for health
  • create ‘access to nutritious food’ for people
  • encourage farmers who have adopted farming practices like Organic Farming & SPNF by selling and distributing their produce within the society
  • spread awareness among consumers & farmers
  • promote all farming practices that do not harm the land by affecting its fertility.

With this thought in mind, board of directors of Urjafarms paid a visit to the Chairman of MSRLM & ZP CEO Nashik Hon. Leena Bansod & Project Director Hon. Mrs. Ujwala Bawake. The idea of deploying trained SHGs in the field of Organic Farming was proposed to the MSRLM by Urjafarms so that we as a society can prevent diseases like Cancer and other hazards on human health that are taking place due to the produce of chemical farming. After assessing all the merits of this idea; Hon. Bansod Ma’am and Hon. Bawake Ma’am approved first experimental project for execution.

Ms. Leena Bansod

Mrs. Ujwala Bawake

Urjafarms signed first MoU with its first SHG namely Jogeshwari Swayamsahayata Mahila Bachat Gat located in Pimplad Village, Lasalgaon on 10.06.2020. On the Ground training period of the SHG started. 5 Acre land is taken on lease by Urjafarms for this project. On this land, the SHG created 360 beds, each bed is of 100 ft. length. To use the water efficiently, the company has installed drip irrigation system on the farm for SHG. Soon, rain water harvesting is expected. Urjafarms has given plantation planning of around 32 vegetables of various categories such as Solid, Leafy, Exotic, Ayurvedic/Medicinal to the SHG and thorough training is given to the group on a weekly basis. List of vegetables includes; ladyfingers, cabbage, brinjal, cluster beans, radish, chilli, cauliflower, carrots, fenugreek, coriander, ghongura, broccoli, lettuce, basil, shatavari, adulsa, ashwagandha etc. To grow these crops, the group has been provided with appropriate seeds along with bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers and soil manure. This soil manure of Urjafarms is a flagship manure which is made out of extracts from 172 medicinal plants known as ‘Dharnidhar’.



Technical training

In technical training provided to the group, we covered practical on how to sow seed, how to take care of the crop, how and when to harvest a particular crop, how to distribute bio-fertilizer and manure and such other aspects of farming. Jogeshwari group now handles all of the responsibilities towards farming effectively and efficiently. These responsibilities include clearing the field, sowing, giving doses to the crop, harvesting, weighing, binding bunches as per requirement, sorting & grading etc.

Along with the training and resources, Urjafarms has created a market for the SHG wherein the produce is sold and distributed. Urjafarms sells and delivers this produce to its Nashik customers through its android mobile app ( Also, the  company sells the produce to its B2B customers located all over Maharashtra. First harvest of the projects started in the month of September 2020 and the group has earned around 25000/- ₹  a month since then. This amount will increase day by day as crops become ready for harvesting. With the involvement of SHG, now Urjafarms will be able to supply its customers for a long term.

Because of this project, Urjafarms achieved 4 important aspects involved in this field which are 1. Quality 2. Authenticity 3. Price Control 4. Steady availability. Urjafarms & MSRLM are looking forward to implement this project on a state level.

With the use of strong will, training and right resources; MSRLM, Urjafarms & SHGs like Jogeshwari we intend to achieve our mission #KillCancer. Urjafarms is not just about preventing cancer but primarily about distributing food that is nutritious.

Shri Vedansh C.
Vendor of Online Retailers
Lucknow, UP

“Urjafarms is a genuine B2B supplier. Quality of the produce and rates are financially feasible for our organization. The way team Urja conducts business is best.“

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Buy from us: +91-7887858978

Office Address: Shri Vyankatesh Krupa Bunglow, Plot No 6A,
Shriram Colony, Behind Rajsarthi Society, Indira Nagar,
Nashik 422009 MH India

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